Black Stone Machine (Grecia), în premieră la Versus Pub: tot ce trebuie să știi despre concert

Black Stone Machine este o trupă originară din Grecia, înființată în anul 2019.

Din descrierea trupei:

„Black Stone Machine is a Greek band formed in April of 2019 from Alex (Guitar/Vocals), Nick (Drums), George (Guitars/Backing Vocals) and Mike (Bass).
Their first EP titled “Black Stone Machine” was recorded in less than a month at Feedback Studios containing two songs: “Bounty Hunter” & “Black Stone Machine” and it was released on June 16.
The artwork was made from Bewildbrother (1000Mods, Planet Of Zeus, etc).

Black Stone Machine is a perfect blend between the sounds of Heavy Rock – Metal and the melody of Blues Country Rock. Their first live performance took place in Berlin followed by a mini Tour in Greece.
In November of the same year, recordings for the first album begun and after five long months the band’s first album titled “Crossroads” was completed.
Twelve new songs with guests from great Greek bands like: Nightstalker, Dentrites and Rusty Bonez were ready.
The First Single -which was titled- “House Of Lies” was released on 29th of June with two songs “House Of Lies” & “Rising Tide”. The band’s album was released from “Ikaros Records” on September 25th.
Meanwhile the song “House Of Lies” is in the “ Unity vol 1 – In Solidarity With The Refugees of Moria Camp” collection with bands like: 1000Mods, Villagers Of Ioannina City etc.
In April of 2021, Black Stone Machine recorded a cover on Black Sabbath‘s “The Wizard” for a Tribute Album By Antichrist Magazine along with 45 bands from all over the world.
In June of the same year “ One With The Horde” EP was recorded along with Babis Papanikolaou (Planet Of Zeus) and Vaggelis Karzis (Full House B.C. , Wolfheart, Ex-Rotting Christ) taking over vocal duties as guests. The EP was released on 10th Of September 2021.
The first leg of the tour completed in February of 2022 and now a few months later the band is ready for the second tour in Balkan area.”

Black Stone Machine va concerta pe scena Versus Pub

Black Stone Machine va concerta pe scena Versus Pub în data de 29 octombrie 2022 (sâmbătă), de la ora 20:00 (recomandăm să vii un pic mai devreme).
Practic, tot ceea ce trebuie să faci tu este să suni la noi pentru rezervare (numărul de telefon se află în subsolul acestui articol), ca mai apoi, când ajungi, să plătești un suport artist de 20 de lei.
Eventul poate fi consultat aici.
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